We rely on the strong support of volunteers.  These are the following volunteer opportunities available:

  1. Building Committee – Oversees the upkeep of the Arena and Hall
  2. Grants Committee – Oversees the drafting and submission of grant applications
  3. Farm Safety Day – delivery of a Farm Safety Program to the K-6 students from Glendon School
  4. Glendon Derby & Mudbog Committee – August 10, 2024 will be our 33nd year. Help plan and organize this large event
  5. Scholarship Committee – responsible for the advertising, promotion and selection of a worthy scholarship recipien
  6.  Social Committee – plan and host fundraising and community building events, like the community supper and Christmas party


Membership to the Glendon Agricultural Society is $5 per family.  As a member you are entitled to attend the AGM in January and vote (one vote per family).  You can also run for a Board position.

Also available is a lifetime membership for $500 per person.  A Lifetime Member is entitled to a free hall rental for an Anniversary celebration and a free funeral hall rental. (Value: $700)


We are governed by the Agricultural Society Act under the Province of Alberta.  We also adhere to the guidelines prepared by the Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies for proper management and ethical practices.

Our revised Bylaws were adopted by members in December 2020 at a Special Meeting. The Province approved these revised bylaws on December 14, 2020. A copy is attached.

Board Meetings

The Board of Directors meets monthly, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month.  Members, staff and facility renters can submit letters or emails for consideration at these meetings.  These requests must be submitted 15 days in advance of the monthly meeting and will be added to the agenda at the discretion of the Executive.

We welcome your input:



Glendon Ag. Society , Box 630

Glendon, AB ,T0A 1P0


This policy is intended to provide a framework for good communication within the Glendon Agricultural Society, the community of Glendon and the surrounding rural area.  The purpose is to ensure communication is well-informed, supportive and focused on issues relating to the operation of the Glendon Arena and the RCMP Century Hall.

2024 Board of Directors

Ken Pshyk – President

Liz Barker – Vice President

Mike Wurzer – Treasurer

Jessica McGinley – Secretary


Lindsey Duchant

Bailey Hadland

Shawn Zummack

Jim Dillon

Dallas Fewchuk


Directors serve three-year terms with an option of two consecutive terms.